Conclusion Intrinsic atrioventricular conduction ability is poor, representing unidirectional conduction in majority of cases. 结论绝大多数在体房室结固有逆传功能明显低于房室顺传,或呈单向传导。
Two conduction mechanisms, impurity conduction and intrinsic conduction, are found in semiconductor. 半导体内有两种导电机制:杂质导电和本征导电。
The dynamic mechanisms of urban residential land price tempo-spatial evolution are mainly from the intrinsic conduction mechanism and external shock mechanism, and at the same time, land speculation is a driving factor of urban residential land price tempo-spatial evolution that can not be ignored. 城市住宅地价时空演变的动力机制主要来自内在传导机制和外在冲击机制,并且土地投机是城市住宅地价时空演变不可忽视的驱动因素。